Friday, February 17, 2012


I've had an account on for some time.  When I first found the site, I was hit by how genuine the majority of the people I interacted with on the site were.  They were realistic, they were honest, and the point of the site was not to titillate but to inform and empower.  In fact, I suspect that much of what goes on there is counteracting fantasies developed by the porn industry, fantasies which are exaggerated and inflated and simply don't generally work in real life.

Beyond all of the information, however, there is also the community: individuals who have been there, struggled with that, and found solutions to this.  Of course, there are individuals on the other end, as well:  those who are trying to figure things out, how to get things to work and solve issues.  Because of the honesty of these individuals, I think there is far more value to the community at CnC than most sites that might be compared on the internet, and much more to be potentially gained by becoming and being a part of this community.

So, I spent time nosing around, reading the informational stuff, reading the forums, and even chatting occasionally.  My Mistress, however, had no positive interest in the site.  I suspect that she thought of it much as she thinks about pornography: wasted time, and worse.  After several eloquent and passionate pleas (alright, I might have just read her a few posts, and showed her a couple of my own), she agreed to create an account and look around.

She did so, and I cannot decide who is more surprised, she or I.  As with 24/7, she seemed to enjoy herself on CnC; she had fun reading a number of the posts (particularly those of RedWench, who reminds her of a friend she once had) and looking around (she loved MissBonnies little animated .gif ). 

We shall see, I suppose, whether she continues to frequent the site, and whether she finds any value in the vast array of information gathered over time there.  I certainly hope she will;  whether or not she does or we do, I am certain the site will be of great use to many individuals and couples for some time to come.

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